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Poisonous Plants and Fungi: Risks and First Aid

Introduction to Poisonous Plants and Fungi

Understand the dangers posed by certain plants and fungi commonly found in gardens and woods.

Common Poisonous Plants and Fungi

Identify potential risks and effects of ingestion:


  • Also known as dog's-finger, fairy gloves, and lion's-mouth.
  • Ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps.
  • Contains toxins affecting heart muscles, potentially fatal in large amounts.
  • Induces vomiting, expelling cardiac poisons.

Laburnum Seeds

  • Found on laburnum trees, known as common laburnum or golden chain.
  • Ingestion leads to nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, seizures, coma.
  • Seeds are often mistaken for pea pods by children.

Death Cap Mushrooms

  • Cause severe symptoms including vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pains.
  • Can lead to seizures, impaired consciousness, and death.
  • Immediate medical attention required upon ingestion.

Actions in Case of Poisoning

Steps to take if poisoning is suspected:

  • Identify the plant or fungi ingested and take photos for medical assistance.
  • Collect a sample in a plastic bag for analysis by medical professionals.
  • Wear gloves to handle toxins and wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
  • Reassure the patient, especially children, and obtain accurate information on ingestion.
  • Seek immediate medical advice by calling emergency services (999 in the UK).

Prevention and Safety Tips

Ensure safety in your garden and surroundings:

  • Identify and remove potentially harmful plants and fungi from your garden.
  • Avoid consuming wild plants or fungi unless you are absolutely certain of their safety.
  • Keep pets safe by understanding which plants and fungi are toxic to them.
  • Stay informed and seek advice if unsure about the safety of any plant or fungi.

Stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of poisonous plants and fungi.

  • IPOSi Unit four LO5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4