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Diabetes arises when the body struggles to convert sugars into fuel, a result of insufficient insulin production or ineffective insulin function. With its roots in modern lifestyle and dietary choices, the condition is seeing a significant surge in the UK.
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is pivotal for converting glucose from carbohydrates into energy. Acting as a key, insulin allows glucose to enter cells. Carbohydrates, the primary source of glucose, are derived from varied foods including starches, fruits, dairy, and sugary foods.
An alarming 25 million people in the UK are diabetic, with over half a million unaware of their condition.
With appropriate management via insulin, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes, diabetes can be well-controlled. However, complications can arise, primarily being hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia.
If in doubt regarding a patient's blood sugar levels, it's advisable to administer sugar. This can raise levels if they're low without causing harm if they're high.